Learn Uzbek: The language of true nobles
Spoken by an estimated 16 million people around the world but especially in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, and northwestern China, Uzbek has experienced interesting changes over the years.
Early in the documentation of the language Islam influences were present. The language was originally written in Arabic script from left to right before Uzbekistan was amalgamated into the old Soviet Union. After the amalgamation, Latin-based script was introduced but cyrillic script is also very popular.
Having lived in the harm perma-winters of Siberia, the Uzbeks were led into present day Uzbekistan by Abu al-Khayr, a descendant of Genghis Khan. The hardiness is evident in the languages ability to survive the introduction of large numbers of migrant populations into the country. With such ancestry it is no surprise that the word Uzbekistan comes from an Uzbek word meaning “the land og true nobles”.
With our Uzbek Starter Microlearning Course, you can:
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20 Lessons
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